Sunday, October 24, 2010

Contest #3: UCCU's Young Leadership Scholarship

Contest:  Utah Central Credit Union's Young Leadership Scholarhip
Genre:  Narrative Essay
Theme:  "What is the Greatest Lesson You Have Learned in Life?"
Prize:  1st Place: $1,000; 2nd Place: $500; 3rd Place: $250
Publication:  Read aloud at UCCU's annual member meeting in 2011
Odds of winning:  three winners in Salt Lake and Carbon Counties
For more information: and click on "For Teens" under Life Phases
So, it has been a long time since I have posted.  Mostly what we've been up to is reading "Summer on Wheels" by Gary Soto, getting ready for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  I thought it might be nice to read a novel before starting to write our own.  After we finished the novel, I had three days before I wanted to start preparing for NaNoWriMo, so I squeezed in this contest.

I had the students discuss the "life lessons" Hector and Mando learn as they journey on a bike trip from East Los Angeles to Santa Monica.  We then discussed our own life lessons, choosing the most important one to write for this essay.  The essays needed to be typed to be submitted to the contest and we didn't have that kind of time, so I gave them the UEA weekend to type their essays for extra credit.  I was surprised at the number of submissions I received, which told me that many of the students are buying into this writing contest thing.

Special thanks to my student teacher, Emily Primrose, for hand delivering our entries to the credit union!!

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