Friday, September 24, 2010

Contest #2: Teen Ink Magazine

Contest:  Points of View Essay Contest
Genre:  Persuasive Essay
Theme:  Opinion on a Controversial Topic
Prize:  $200
Publication:  Teen Ink Magazine and EBSCO website
Odds of winning:  two winners chosen every month
For more information:

My sevies had to take the Analytic Writing Task, so while they were doing that, I had the eighth graders enter the "Points of View Essay Contest" from "Teen Ink Magazine."  "Teen Ink" is a monthly magazine completely comprised of teenagers' entries.  You must be between the ages of 13 and 19, so that left most of my sevies out.

The seventh grade "Analytic Writing Task" was a persuasive essay, as well.  In the state of Utah, fifth and eighth graders take a persuasive writing test, so there is a big emphasis on persuasive writing.  It was good to get some practice in early in the year.

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