Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We've Got a Winner!!!!

Remember when I told you that if my students entered enough writing contests, at least one of them would be sure to win?  Well, it happened a bit sooner than I thought!  One of my seventh grade students received a letter yesterday from Utah Central Credit Union stating that they were so impressed with his entry, they were inspired to create a special award for English Language Learners.  He received a certificate and a $25 prize for his essay about his greatest life lesson. 

The kids have been asking me, "What would you do if one of us actually won a writing contest?" 

I always say, "I would run screaming and yelling down the hall and brag to EVERYONE I knew!"  I did just that.  The student was so shocked, he didn't have much to say, but hopefully it sinks in when we present his certificate at the school-wide awards assembly in January.

I will be writing a thank you letter to the folks at UCCU for looking beyond grammatical and spelling mistakes to the heart of what an essay is really about.  Here's to the immigrant spirit!!!

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