Saturday, March 19, 2011

Optional Contest: Script Frenzy

Contest:  Script Frenzy (brought to you by the creators of NaNoWriMo)
Genre:  Script (movie, TV, stage play, graphic novel, comic book, etc.)
Theme:  Anything you like!
Prize: Serious bragging rights, certificate, extra credit in Ms. Stimpson's Language Arts Class
Publication:  Only if you want to share!
Odds of winning:  Everyone can be a winner!

"Script Frenzy" is a challenge to write a script in thirty days.  A participant may choose any theme and any script-related genre.  This is the first year I will participate, thanks to my husband who convinced me to try it.  I shared the idea with my students and several of them are interested.  This week, I plan to have lunchtime meetings for students who are interested in doing this independently.  (Doing it as a class project would be much to difficult with end-of-the-year testing going on in April).  I would love to have a small group of students to meet occasionally during the month of April to share ideas and support one another.  I have offered extra credit to any student who participates and will award points based on amount and quality of work.

Personally, I am struggling to decide between a movie screenplay and a series of TV scripts.  I have ideas for both.  One thing I am certain of, this writing project I am going to focus on comedy.  I've never tried writing a pure comedy and I think this will be a good opportunity to try my hand at it.  They say comedy is more difficult to write than drama and I believe it.  Here's to writing challenges!

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