Thursday, May 19, 2011

Contest #15: Take Action!

Contest:  Scholastic's "Action Magazine's" Take Action!
Genre:  Advice column
Theme:  Respond to one of 12 prompts
Prize: free t-shirt
Publication:  Advice Column of Action Magazine
Odds of winning:  one student per month

I promised my fourth period that this would be their last contest.  Fourth period has participated in twelve contests this year and they have about had it.  It's been fun, though.  I don't know if I'll ever do that many with one class again, but it was a great experience for me to test out what I liked and didn't like about each contest and to see their writing approve.  

Action Magazine has an advice column in each issue.  The website provides twelve prompts, such as "your friend is having a sleep over party, but you have a lot of homework to do," or "you find a wallet with cash and no ID."  Students have a specific format to follow to offer their advice to peers who may find themselves in these situations.  The actual writing is quite short, but it's a great exercise in following directions, since the format of the responses is so specific.  I had all my 8th graders participate and 4th period didn't mind SO much.  Plus, who doesn't love a free t-shirt?!

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