Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Contest #1: Scholastic's "Action Magazine:" Dream Poetry Contest

Contest:  Dream Poetry Contest
Genre:  Acrostic Poem
Theme:  Dreams (not the "at school in your underwear" kind, but the future plans kind)
Prize:  iPod Shuffle
Publication:  Scholastic's Action Magazine
Odds of winning:  just one winner in the whole United States
Ms. Stimpson’s Example:

Do you think someone might
Read my novel and want to sell it
Everywhere: Barnes & Noble, - even the library!
Maybe some day soon . . .

So, today it began - Writing for Fabulous Prizes - an iPod Shuffle is a pretty fabulous prize.  The kids got really excited about it.  Some even wrote their "dream" poems about how they dream for an iPod!  I wish I could post some of them - they are truly adorable.  I'm going to look into the legality of posting student writing, because they are seriously adorable!

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