Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poetry Scams and Contests to Avoid

I received a postcard for "Creative Communications" which hosts three poetry and three essay contests each year and divides students into small subcategories so they are competing against their peers.  It's one of those deals where if you win, they try to sell you the anthology that your work is published in.  I've gotten tied up in these before.  Mostly it's just a giant disappointment when you realize probably no one even read your work, they send a form letter to everyone trying to sell books.

I scoured "Creative Communications" website  It seemed like it was legit.  They are up front in saying that you can buy an anthology, but you don't have to.  They make most of their money from advertising.  They seem like they are legitimately trying to help more students get published. 

I found a great discussion about this contest at the following link.  It's not a scam, but it's not considered highly selective.  I'm still considering whether or not we'll do this one.

I also found a great list of ways to figure out if a contest is a scam or not.  The link is here.

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